Positioning Holes and Bosses

Here we will try to create and position the hole and the boss.
Steps we have to do is:

A. Click file> new> model> blank.
2. Start the modeling application. (Start> Modeling)
3. Sketch> plane> rectangle> left click mouse.
4. Create a boss.

Select Insert> Design Feature> Boss.
Enter values ​​for:
Diameter = 8
Height = 1
Taper Angle = 0
Select the top face of the block (1) as the placement face.
Choose OK (MB2).
Notice Perpendicular is already selected.
Select edge (2) and enter a value of 4.
Select edge (3) and enter a value of 3.
Choose OK. (MB2)
Step 4: Create a simple thru hole.
Choose the Hole icon. (Insert? Design Feature? Hole)
Choose Simple Type for the hole.
Key in a diameter of 1.
Select the top face of the boss (1) as the face and the placement
bottom face of the block as the thru face.
Choose Apply.
Choose Point onto Point.
Select the top edge (2) of the boss.
Choose Arc Center.

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